Saturday, July 21, 2007

Check It Out: Yahoo! Answers (Marriage & Divorce)

Ok, so I'll admit it. I am a big fan of Yahoo Answers; specifically their Marriage & Divorce section. The questions are real, and the perspectives from men and women are raw, truthful, honest, and even funny. Like anything else, you should pick and choose what works for you, and not "trust everything you read."

Yahoo answers allows users to post questions in a semi-anonymous manner which can promote uninhibited contributions from the user base. Questions cover a broad range of subjects: anything from "what will save my marriage", to "is he cheating on me", to "what are the keys to a successful marriage or divorce". Answers follow the same trend; some are witty, some are brutally honest, and others can simply waste your time. In the midst of this communication, some questions and answers remind us that these people experience the same struggles we do. They are insecure about the same things, fear the same consequences, and hope for the same dreams and outcomes in their relationships.

So if you are looking to learn how to talk about your divorce or seek help but are unwilling or unable to speak with someone, visit Yahoo Answers. Read the questions, and check out the best answers. Be a consumer about the advice you pull (remember, not everything you'll read is going to be good), and look for value that is applicable to your situation. Post a question, and if you do not want to use your current Yahoo Id register and create a new one. Anonymity can be empowering, after all.


Ryan said...

Hey thanks for the link to Yahoo answers. It didn't know it was out there and maybe it can help me with some of my issuses. Thanks

PA & NJ Uncontested Divorce said...

You're right. I also found yahoo answer as a great service to post any given situation just like marriage and separation.In fact, you'll discover some helpful answers from concerned people.

Ricardo Mendes said...

The yahooanswers seems good and now I dont want to miss the day without reading the questions and answers of yahoooanswers. Thank you for the link. Now, if i have friends who will decide to have a divorce then I can help them understand the laws and what are the consequences of having a divorce.

You can check out my website about divorce and learn more things about the subject matters @

Divorce Lawyer In Utah said...

I also like yahoo answer. It's a great way to get answer of your questions. I really like it. Thank you for sharing this nice information with us.